Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Just a small rant about things yet to come...

Iblis Ginjo, the Counsel of the Jihad, and the Jipol suck!!!

Xavier Harkonnen, Vorian Atreides and Norma Cenva rule!!! \m/,

ALL MY PRAISES TO THE LADY OF PAIN, THE ALMIGHTY RULER AND GODDESS OF SIGIL!! (I wonder how long will it take for HER to find me out, and maze me! =D)

Bolinhas de Gude e Bene Tleilax!

"The spice must flow, and the green transparent marbles must be hated." - The Spacing Guild Handbook of Galactic Paper Folding and Commercial Enterprises

Se tem uma coisa que me deixa MUITO nervoso, são bolinhas de gude! Elas são verdes, e meio transparentes! Tem coisa mais revoltante do que coisas verdes e transparentes!? Claro que não!!

Eu sou verde, entretanto, eu sou totalmente opaco! Aceitável pelos padrões sócio-econômicos normais e pela CNTP! Mas eu não sou mau, e portanto sou a exceção viva à regra: "Se é verde, é mau, e deve morrer!" A maldade está diretamente ligada ao processo de produzir energia através da fotossíntese! Bom... eu acho! Sei que ainda não faço fotossíntese, mas quem sabe um dia!? Mas será que quando este dia chegar, eu serei alguém mau?

Bolinhas de gude são más! Pelo menos hoje, elas são... Amanhã talvez eu sinta um pouco menos de asco em relação a elas, ou talvez eu nem me lembre de que hoje eu as tenha odiado! Ódio é uma palavra muito forte, mas cabe bem no caso... Eu ODEIO queijo, e hoje, bolinhas de gude! Queijo eu sempre odiarei...

O que seria da raça humana se não fossem os médicos!? Minha opinião é a de que seríamos mais baratas, e mais humanos... Homens-baratas!? Não... Antes que perguntem, eu nunca li! O quê!? Se você se sente confuso, não se preocupe, você também nunca leu, o que não importa. Talvez os humanos fossem até mais verdes... Hmmm... Então seriam maus, e deveriam ser exterminados! Azul é uma boa cor... Talvez fossêmos homens-baratas-azuis! Com certeza seria mais divertido...

E o que as bolinhas de gude têm a ver com isso!? Bom, em algum momento você leu que elas eram culpadas de alguma coisa!? Se leu está enganado! Eu simplesmente odeio bolinhas de gude hoje, pelo simples fato de ter que odiar alguma coisa todo dia... Odiar políticos, advogados, e queijo não tem mais graça! Preciso de um ódio novo! Bolinhas de gude verde e transparentes hoje, e amanhã, hmmm... Amanhã é um novo dia!

Vou continuar lendo "The Battle fo Corrin". E eu sinto, também, uma certa repulsa, talvez eterna, pelos Bene Tleilax a partir de hoje... "Axlotl Tanks"!? Tleilax é uma palavra muito legal de se pronunciar, agora Axlotl, eu nem sei se alguma língua terrestre consegue reproduzir tal som com perfeição, mas mesmo assim eu adorei a palavra. O problema é o conceito ligado aos "Axlotl Tanks". Acho que nem mesmo a mais verde é má das criaturas seria capaz de por em prática tal conceito, só os Bene Tleilax mesmo! Deve ser tudo viado!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Small (True) Dialogue

GH of Xaos
: And if I am GOD?

SM: Then you suck at it!
Both: HAUhAUhUAHuAHuAHUha...

Another Day, Another Step

It is been another day, and in this special day, nothing special really happened. Actually, I saw in the news that Iran just tested some long range missiles that stroke their targets accurately. I also discovered that Russia's president is not Vladimir Putin anymore. The new President is Dmitry Medvedev (cool name), and he loves the classical Hard Rock from the 70s and 80s. This guy loves Rock'n'Roll and has nuclear weapons, in just one word, AWESOME! Vladimir Putin now is the prime minister of the Russia Union. I was a little bit outdated on that.

For a while (past few weeks), I thought my code was working fine, but then I found out some inconsistencies in my results, and since two weeks ago I have been then working on that. It is still not working as I expect, and every day it got more and more tedious to debug that. So, no new step here, so far...

One day, I am going to write so many bizarre things here, that I think I will make someone else insane just for read them... Not today, though. Today the only person insane here is me, or maybe someone else, who is already insane, and will read it in the next couple of hours.

I do not think I am the only person in the world who has strange thoughts about Reality. But every time I think about it, for whatever the reason, it seems I simply go more insane. Comprehension and Insanity are best friends in my point of view.

Just to give you a taste of what crossed my mind in my way back home... I was in the bus, almost leaving it, thinking about a myriad things... I was hearing trance music, and then the thought came into my mind: "What if God is this sound sample (2 or 3 seconds of the music playing in my Creative Zen)? No... What if God is that number 3 painted in that wall? Three is a perfect concept after all... Was it?"

This was just a small string of the whole train of thought that started in the same moment I left the lab today. And after that I just became a little more insane... There is no way back, anymore! But whatever, I just love it...

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Dance Off With The Star Wars Stars 2008

I have nothing to say here, just watch and laugh! YEAH!!

And here, for the sake of completeness, and more laughter...

Dancing with the Star Wars Stars 2007

"All too easy!"

Just Another Misconceived Idea?

Have you ever had the feeling that due to some hidden process or reason, you are the cause of someone else's bad luck? Worse yet, someone you like very much!

It might be very presumptuous of me to think like that, but when everything seemed to have gone awry just after I became part of this someone's life, and, since that, nothing good seemed to have happened in this person's life, the idea does not seem so misconceived...

Yes! I am crazy, megalomaniac, arrogant, and maybe much more and worse than that... But, beyond that, I do not know what to do, and those feeling are just ripping my soul apart...


Maybe I am doing everything wrong, and it is really all my fault... Damn! May the Elder Gods enlighten me... (This time I swear I want enlightenment, not more confusion and insanity, if there is really a way to not have the whole package together...)