Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Inhuman Working Conditions

Can anyone please quench the Sun? Or at least fix the AC Unit in the Astrophysics lab? It is simply impossible to work, melting inside the lab! I will have to strike until I have human working conditions again! All I wish is another Ice Age! Please? Anyone?


Thiago said...


L. Demara said...

The problem is never really outside of us. Perhaps if you just solve this issue in your head, than it just won't bother you anymore... (zoando com vc, eu bem sei que existem coisas que IRRITAM) ;*'s

Catão said...

Eu sugiro que você faça um estágio na UFRJ, onde nos dias mais quentes você pode sentir a brisa suave que emana do esgoto da Maré.