Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Fellowship and TOEFL score

My fellowship to finish my PhD at the University of Michigan has been granted. Now I can start to proceed with my preparations to go to Ann Arbor, and run after a Visa to the US.

Today I also got my Toefl score, and I got a very good score. My score is 106/120. I still need to receive it by mail at home, and after that send them to the University to conclude all the procedures to get the above mentioned fellowship.

And I also was succesful in my quest to not use MSN Messenger for one week! Yeah!!

57=3 x 19


Marcelo Pará said...

Cara, que aventura hein! Cheia de contratempos.
Meu acampamento tambem foi bacana, cerca de 30 km de caminhada, morro acima e morro abaixo, mas nao tivemos tantos problemas com carro, ainda bem.
Bom saber da bolsa e do toefl. E' isso ai cara, se prepara!

Unknown said...

Valeu, cara. Minha hora de correr atrás dessa burocracia toda!