Monday, November 5, 2007

An Unknown Force, or just The Cube?

An ally is really not a friend. Allies can be trusted until some point, but where exactly is that point? I'm starting to wonder about it...

So, today I was there, just passing as a normal guy, raking the yard and the walkway, when I saw it... It was clearly watching me. Probably studying me from afar... One of Its minions? I don't know, but I saw one of those Malignant Squirrels, I have written about sometime ago, in the middle of the street... Maybe not exactly one of those, but I could sense Evil emanating from its eyes...

After my alliance with The Cube, I don't think It would send one of Its minions to watch me just like that, in plain sight. It just do not make any sense, but I know that I am far from comprehending Its ubiquitous atemporal brooding mind... Was that squirrel really one of Its minions, or have this alliance brought the attention of another Greater Force over me and over this place?

I've heard some rumors about another malevolent dormant Entity in this area. Now I am not so sure if that is really just a rumor. Have the Alliance awakened this Entity? I ought to be careful again... I cannot be caught in the middle of this ageless feud unprepared, and I will not... I know I am just a tool for The Cube, but I will not be used as just cannon fodder in Its machinations...

Whether it is The Cube, or this other Unknown Force, I will not be fooled... Or have I already been fooled by Them? My mind is not clear anymore... Are there answers for these questions? I do not think so, but I hope Destiny has other plans for my lost being...

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